Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Best Ideas To Choose The Best Christmas Natural Toys For Children

Children learn to socialize, to develop mentally and physically and acquire all the necessary tools for their future life through play. 

Even though children can make a long list of gift wishes, anything entertains a curious child. How many times have we passed that by giving something to a child, the child prefers to play with the box than with the toy itself? In Green Kid Crafts we give you some basic guidelines so that this year you do not make mistakes when choosing the best Christmas natural toys for children.
  1. Choose a toy according to your age and according to the tastes of each moment. Children change tastes quickly, so try not to buy a toy thinking about the future, it may stay on the shelf longer than you thought.
  2. Buy something that he or she likes, not you. Sometimes we make the mistake of giving away things that would have made us happy, but you may not give your child any illusion. But it is also important not to give all the whims, especially if they are not according to their age, and have control over what is purchased.
  3. You must awaken your concerns and activate your faculties. We must influence their skills and empower them through the game; and of course fun. 
  4. That the toy is not self-sufficient. The child must be the protagonist of the game, if the toy does everything alone, the child will be a mere spectator and will not be able to interact with him, losing all his interest quickly.
  5. That the toy is safe and durable. It should not have sides or sharp corners or elements that detach or release, or small pieces , especially if it is for younger children. 
  6. Better to give a single toy than many. It is best not to saturate the child with many gifts, so keep your attention on the new one, it will not disperse and give you much more value.
  7. Give assorted toys. For young children the best thing is educational toys for kids that develop their movement and motor skills, such as sports games or building blocks. The symbolic games are from 3 years, when they imagine adventures, cook, take care of babies ... developing language and learning to imitate roles. With construction games such as play dough, wooden blocks, or games with paper, they expand the attention and concentration capacity, as well as the spatial sense. While social group games such as parchís, cards ... improve social relationships, acceptance of standards and respect.
  8. Do not choose the toy carried by advertising. The whims of the moment do not usually succeed. 
  9. That is educational first of all. 
  10. Keep it simple . The less action the toy has, the more the child will have to play on his part.

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