Thursday, July 4, 2019

STEM Gifts For Kids: What Are They And Why Should You Give Them Away?

You may have heard about STEM or STEM toys, or you may have seen some of them but you did not know they had that name.

Maybe the name sounds like Chinese, but STEM gifts for kids are becoming very fashionable in recent years. These gifts are the preferred choice for parents to give their daughters children.

Why STEM gifts for kids?

They are great to have fun and learn. Your child does not have to have a scientific or scientific research profile; they are all toys to promote competencies related to innovation but focusing on one or other skills or interests.

STEM gifts are an investment. They will not be bored with them in 1 week. At home we have seen how we take advantage of them, children use these toys in different ways.

STEM Science Toys (S): Science gifts for children who like to experiment with biology, geology, chemistry, physics or the human body.

STEM Technology Toys (T): For maker children, who start programming or like robots. Toys that combine the physical with the interactive, that promote active use of the screens, with an open and attentive mind.

STEM Engineering Toys (E): For children engineers and mechanics, toys to build and destroy, to discover and experiment with mechanisms, pulleys and gears.

STEM Mathematics Toys (M): For children who like numbers, geometric shapes and mathematical challenges. Games and toys for the kids that love to give the coconut to solve problems.

Why you should give away STEM toys?

Well, because they are fun toys that stimulate the minds of the children of the house, they encourage their creativity and challenge their ingenuity. This will awaken interest in science and that they themselves want to learn and learn more.

And what are these knowledge and learning that can be acquired?

  • Improves concentration since the attention capacity is trained during the game.

  • It stimulates the curiosity and the exploration from small, being this one of the main pillars of the scientific thought.

  • Develop logical-mathematical reasoning, or what is the same, learn to structure and organize ideas to conclude.

  • Stimulate creative thinking. Develop strategies to create skills such as discipline and perseverance.

  • Discovery of the scientific and technological world, as they become familiar with technology and enhance science skills.

  • It helps to solve problems since through the game; they must make decisions that lead them to achieve their final goal.

Each age has its own STEM toys

We have already told you about the benefits of this type of toys, but beware, not all toys are valid for anyone. Mimes must be chosen according to the age and skill of the receiver.

Buy a girl or a boy a toy not suitable for their age or level of knowledge can have the opposite effect to the desired. They can consider it very difficult or boring and leave it aside opting for more attractive options for them.

But there is no problem, the supply of science gifts for children are increasing with toys of this type for any age segment, from the simplest to the most complex.

One of science gift subscription boxes to experience the excitement of discovering educational projects in art, engineering, science, mathematics and technology. You can also surprise the child with a three-month subscription so that during the term he enjoys this incentive. Training and education are essential pillars of happiness. This gift brings together two ingredients as vital as learning together with the entertainment of a creative pastime. Children learn while having fun with this surprise.

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